Midnight Ramblings

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My, it's been some time since I last blogged, hasn't it? I hope no one has forgotten about this space. Guess that's due to what I've been up to these past few weeks: since the end of my internship about three weeks ago, I've been to Johor and Bangkok, and Year 3 has commenced. While Bangkok was definitely the highlight of the summer, I just can't bring myself to blog about it - too lazy perhaps! Guess I'll blog about Bangkok sometime later this week, just not now heh. 

Disclaimer: my thoughts are all completely jumbled up in my head now, so I apologise for the incoherence beforehand. You've been warned.

So it's a new academic year, with new faces milling about, and so many other fresh developments: E's on local exchange at SMU, while I'm still at NUS overloading (again!) with 6 modules, including a module about Real Estate Business. (Ha, bet you weren't expecting that, eh?) Reason for this randomness? Well I decided to go beyond my comfort zone and learn something really useful, practical and relevant for the future, and since this fit really well into my schedule, why not? The other 5 modules I have are all Political Science or Sociology modules for my respective majors and minors. It's a pity I can't continue with Korean 5 because I have to clear my core requirements first :( Won't be giving up on the language though - it'd be such a crying shame. I've come to really like the language, so I'll definitely be back for more. 

Since this is Week 2 and tutorials haven't started, I had a 4-hour break between lectures, so I decided to chill at the Central Library. Instead of doing my readings, I ended up chatting to whoever I met in the library. While I admit I could have gotten a good amount of work done, I'm glad I caught up with those few friends earlier. We don't see each other much, and it feels pretty nice to catch up with old friends and be able to discuss and laugh about things. Haven't exactly been having quality conversations with friends lately, and I'm trying to change that. 

On another note, Monday was a great day because of the wonderful date I had with E. We ate at The Assembly Ground - I'm definitely going back there! - and watched Attack on Titan 1, which was pretty disappointing ugh. (Sidetrack [spoiler alert]: the anime and manga are so good, so I was really anticipating the live-action series, yet so much was changed. Whatever happened to the compelling (and very important) backstories? Why the need to change Levi's name? What's with the ridiculous love triangle? How does the old guy know about Eren's confounding power? The movie may be good for a newcomer to Attack on Titan, but for us ardent fans, too many liberties were taken, to the point where the story ceases to make sense. I shall just be content with the manga/anime.) Despite that, all was good with some gelato and a fresh rose, which E surprised me with. Thank you for always remembering how I love to receive flowers dear, it's a really sweet gesture :) Our Mon-date ended with E coming over for dinner and us playing Uno Stacko and Monopoly with my brother, wherein I emerged victorious. If only I was so rich in real life. HA. 

Can't think of anything else to blog about at the moment, so abrupt as it may seem, I think I'm signing off here. Forgive me for the shittiest writing you'll ever see me produce; I promise I'm nowhere near this incoherent usually. Maybe this is a sign to sleep earlier and stop blogging at midnight. 

That's it for now. 

Yours Truly,

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